Rules for the Lump sum tax (Paušální daň) in 2024

If you decide to register for a Lump sum tax, you will pay only one monthly payment which includes income tax, social and health insurance together. After the year-end there is no need to file a tax return nor pay additional taxes in case you meet the criteria for a Lump sum tax.
If you want to enter the flat tax regime, the self-employment income must be the ONLY income during the year (with some minor exceptions). Please note that you cannot get a proof of income from the tax office nor a copy of tax return which might be important when applying for a visa, residency permit or a loan.
The deadline for entering, leaving, changing the zone or informing about not meeting the criteria of a lump sum tax regime is 10th January 2024. Monthly payments must be paid till the 20th day of the respective month.
There are totally 3 zones (pásma) which correspond to the nature of business and amount of income:
FIRST ZONE - Monthly payment: 7 498 CZK
Self-employed persons with income up to 2 million CZK, if most income (at least 75%) is income on which can be applied 80% lump sum expenses (e.g. agriculture income or income from craft trade for which is needed license).
Self-employed persons with income up to 1,5 million CZK, if most income (at least 75%) is income on which can be applied 60% lump sum expenses (e.g. income from non-craft trade; most usual free trade licenses).
All self-employed persons with income up to 1 million CZK in other cases – more than 25% income is income on which can be applied 40% lump sum expenses (e.g. Income of auditors, lawyers, tax advisors etc.)
SECOND ZONE - Monthly payment: 16 745 CZK
Self-employed persons with income between 1,5 and 2 million CZK, if most income (at least 75%) is income on which can be applied 60% lump sum expenses.
Self-employed persons with income between 1 and 1,5 million CZK, if more than 25% of income is income on which can be applied 40% lump sum expenses.
THIRD ZONE - Monthly payment: 27 139 CZK
Self-employed persons with income between 1,5 and 2 million CZK, if more than 25% of income is income on which can be applied 40% lump sum expenses (e.g. lawyers, auditors)
Examples for determining the zone for freelancers with a free TL (živnost volná)
- having income up to 1,5 million CZK → FIRST ZONE
- having income between 1,5 and 2 million CZK → SECOND ZONE
- Annual income from self-employment up to 2 million CZK
- Not a VAT payer
- No income from employment (exemption: employment income with withholding tax)
- Other income only up to 50 000 CZK (e.g. rent income, income from capital assets or other occasional income)
1 500 CZK – registration for the Lump sum tax for 2024
1000 CZK – calculation if the lump sum tax will be advantageous for you in 2024
500 CZK – tax advisory if you meet the criteria of lump sum tax regime for 2024